One-year payback time on supermarket shell-and-tube investment

By installing Alfa Laval CDEW desuperheaters in central cooling systems for stores and distribution centres, supermarket chains can reduce heat waste and make considerable energy savings. One Spanish supermarket recouped its investment in under a year.

DATE 2023-11-28

One major Spanish supermarket chain is ordering 150 S&T desuperheaters per year through the central cooling system builder Zanotti Smart Solutions.

The supermarket uses Alfa Laval CDEW desuperheaters in the central cooling systems of its stores and distribution centres, recovering the heat generated to heat tap water, and to provide radiant floor heating and comfort heating. By doing so, it has reduced its energy costs and its carbon footprint - and its investment has paid for itself in less than a year.

Atencia at the system-builder Zanotti Smart Solutions, is more than happy with the solution. "It is a robust, reliable and easy-to-use shell-and-tube product." Today 80% of Zanotti's installations feature heat recovery systems.


Alfa Laval CDEW shell-and-tube fresh-water condensers


  • Special water gasket configuration to resist high water pressure (up to 10 bar)
  • Standard range includes different models for all HFC refrigerants with capacity range from 60 to 2000 kW
  • Square tube sheet can be used as support for the condenser
  • The CDEW-E version has been optimized for R134a high performance applications.
  • For smaller capacities (from 5 to 150 kW) CXP condensers and desuperheaters are also available

 CDEW fresh-water condensers 


To make customer aware about other smarter heat transfer solution.


  • 100-150 Alfa Laval CDEW desuperheaters per year installed in central cooling system at supermarket chain.
  •  The supermarket chain has reduced its energy costs and carbon foot print, and pay back time on the investment is less than a year.

The system builder

Zanotti Smart Solutions, part of the Zanotti Group.