2020-04-08 Financial news

Annual General Meeting in Alfa Laval 2020

Opportunity of voting in advance and the Nomination Committee proposes to not increase the compensation to the Board of Directors. The Annual General Meeting in Alfa Laval will be held on 23 April 2020 as planned. However, measures have been decided to reduce the general risk of spreading COVID-19.

The Board of Directors has, in accordance with new temporary rules, decided to offer shareholders the opportunity of voting in advance instead of attending the general meeting in person or by proxy. Alfa Laval encourages shareholders to use this opportunity to vote in advance in order to reduce the spread of the infection. The completed voting form must be submitted to Alfa Laval no later than the 21 April 2020. Further instructions and the voting form can be found on Alfa Laval’s webpage www.alfalaval.com/investors.

There is also the already existing opportunity for individual shareholders to use Euroclear Sweden AB’s offered solution for proxy and voting instructions. Voting in advance is an alternative to this possibility.  

As already communicated, no food and beverages will be served in connection with the general meeting this year, and the usual tour of the production facility is cancelled. The company’s CEO presentation will be recorded in advance and published on the company’s website in connection with the opening of the general meeting.

Alfa Laval considers the opportunity for shareholders to listen to the general meeting by telephone and will publish further instructions for this well in advance of the general meeting.

The Nomination Committee has decided to revoke its proposal regarding increased compensation to the members of the Board of Directors and proposes that the compensation remains unchanged.

The Board of Directors has previously withdrawn its proposal regarding distribution of profits.  

