Global water summit 2024

The event was set in the background of the continued rise in global temperature above UN target levels, which is increasing pressure on the availability and quality of water around the world.

DATE 2024-06-17

Eline Suijlen, Water Industry Manager, soaked in the latest industry-leading insights at the Global Water Summit in London. Here, she shares the key takeaways from this pivotal event themed “Security for a Changing Planet.  

Eline Suijlen explains what summit delegates discussed, “Carbon dioxide is no longer the only issue we need to deal with in our efforts to mitigate climate change. Now, we must also face wider consequences, such as the water cycle change — where human impact has disrupted local and global water cycles. Our reliance on predictable rainfall patterns is no longer assured.” 

Embracing these insights, Alfa Laval is committed to spearheading innovative solutions for global water security. Two key areas of Alfa Laval’s offering include water and wastewater treatment, reducing customers’ water consumption and making water treatment processes more efficient. Zero liquid discharge is one example, where water is recovered from wastewater for reuse in customers’ processes, and residual waste streams are significantly reduced. 

“Water is central to many industries; without it, most industrial operations would come to a stop, and global supply chains would fail. Food and medicine are just two examples of sectors heavily reliant on water for production. Such companies have long prioritized building operational resilience to the unfolding water crisis,” says Eline Suijlen.  

Developing regulations and the need to remain competitive are requiring companies to assess both their financial performance and their environmental, social, and governance impact with consideration for the withdrawal, consumption and discharge of water – also known as corporate water stewardship.  

“Taking water for granted is risky business. There is a huge opportunity for the private sector to take the lead in the management of what is such a crucial resource, and the investment community should prioritize investment based on an evaluation of water risks,” says Eline Suijlen.  

The transition to a water secure world is complex and while there is no one-size-fits-all solution, the latest innovations can be tailored to company needs and make a significant impact. “Our purpose is to provide technologies and collaborate with others, so that we, together, can provide solutions to the different industries.” 


Corporate water stewardship    Transforming wastewater


The Global Water Summit brought together almost 1,000 thought leaders, business executives, investors, engineers, and policymakers for an inspiring three-day event. Topics on the agenda feature water in relation to finance, technology, climate change, security, circular economy, and corporate strategy. 

Why is talking about water so important? According to Global Water Intelligence, missing the UN’s 1.5°C target for global warming is significantly jeopardizing global water security. As water scarcity intensifies worldwide and population growth drives up demand in agriculture, energy, food, health, and hygiene, addressing water challenges is paramount. 

Our top three Global Water Summit takeaways 

  • Disruptions to local and global water cycles pose a challenge to the availability and quality of the key resource, but there is the opportunity to act in parallel to reduce emissions. 
  • Water-dependent industries prioritize resilience amid the escalating water crisis, while efforts towards corporate water stewardship reflect a sharper focus on water security. 
  • Early-adopter companies with an existing focus on water footprint optimization harness AI to achieve ambitious 2050 water stewardship goals.