Making petrochemical applications more sustainable

The demand for petrochemical products is increasing with a growing demand for products like packaging material, plastic bags, household appliances, and automobiles. As a result, we have seen an increase in fossil fuel-based petrochemicals. But thanks to decarbonization efforts, we have also seen a rise in carbon capture and renewable or recycled feedstocks . At Alfa Laval it is our job to boost energy efficiency in existing plants, while supporting the growth of fossil-free alternatives.

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Base chemicals production

Producing base chemicals like ethylene, propylene, ammonia, methanol, butadiene, and aromatics requires maximum efficiency. Alfa Laval offers a wide range of solutions to help you match the right equipment to your specific requirements. Our goal is to help you reduce energy consumption and installation costs, while increasing plant reliability. Whether you need a compact heat exchanger to improve production efficiency, or separation equipment to minimize process waste, we have the solution.

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Intermediate chemical production

If you are producing, ethylene oxide, ethylene glycol, formaldehyde, polyols, organic acids, amines, or other intermediate petrochemicals, you can increase production at a lower cost to the environment with Alfa Laval. Whether you need our highly efficient heat exchangers, condensers, decanters, or separation equipment, you can reduce waste and energy consumption without reducing profitability.

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Polymer and fibres production

Whether you are producing latex, polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene or PVC, Alfa Laval has the expertise, equipment, and services to maximize production reliability and minimize the environmental impact of your petrochemical plant. And with an Alfa Laval Widegap gasketed plate heat exchanger, Alfa Laval Compabloc, or Alfa Laval spiral heat exchanger in your process, efficient fibrous liquid handling is easier than ever. 

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Fine chemical production

Fine and specialty chemicals like surfactants, water treatment chemicals, pesticides, polymer additives, resins, adhesives, vitamins, and other substances, are produced in smaller volumes than their bulk chemical counter parts. This means consistency and quality are key. Alfa Laval has been working closely with petrochemical producers to provide reliable, cost-efficient, and specialized technologies that optimizing heating, cooling, condensing, re-boiling, and heat transfer for consistent, energy efficient, results.
